Enjoy watching encrypted channels blocked for free and enjoy games and movies exclusive
Show encrypted channels open and more than 4,000 channel the highest quality with an explanation and Affi
To its characteristics and advantages with this program Kharafi can see a very large bouquet of
Open and encrypted channels through which you see the news and sports channels and the island
Arab and most importantly that the program in which you can record TV and matches ?????? the
And also as audio files, a new technique in the world of satellite TV you can see through it
A lot of channels watched the English league and see the World Cup Show
Brazilian league matches and the Turkish league, Serie A and the Saudi league
The Qatari league and the league Emirati, Yemeni and Egyptian users Arab and foreign movies
See Plays See Series Arabic and English Pow find this program
Will not need to legendary Receiving and decoding software blades and Satellite all cards
Need is the average speed internet so you can see clearly program
ChrisTV Online Premium to watch TV and watch the games
TV and saved ?????? in computer as audio files also .. Wonderful program
And a new breakthrough in the world of free software program is strong and attractive also great potential
Contains a lot of attractive features and beautiful and wonderful See everything you want to
Viewing it from the news bulletins and programs, documentaries and lectures Islamic songs channels speeches
Etc. The advantage of this wonderful program is that: -
1 - needs a medium speed to run satellite channels
2 - You can register easily channels and video compression output
3 - You can watch sports channels, as well as encrypted channels wrestling
(From personal experience)
This program works on all systems
Do you like TV or radio and got an Internet connection? The ChrisTV Online! FREE Edition will bring them to your desktop and you will gain access to more than 1800 + TV channels and 600 + radio stations from all over the globe (more than 100 countries).
You won't miss a thing on TV, because we have added a new major feature to RECORD * online TV and Radio streams. You also have the possibility to add your own streams / channels into ChrisTV Online! channels database using the new option Add new channel.
Get connected to one of the largest channels database and receive updates periodically. As a bonus we have added to ChrisTV Online! 'S channels database access to online streams with music video clips plus movie trailers just to keep you entertained to the maximum.
The range of ChrisTV Online! 'S TV channels and Radio stations is wide and you can find from News, Music, Sports, Religion, Education to Entertaiment Channels.
ChrisTV Online! - Channels List and Favorites List
Using ChrisTV Online! you will gain access to more than 1800 + TV channels and 600 + radio stations from all over the globe (more than 100 countries).
Compatible with all operating systems
ÓNíÇá activation facility with the program
Size: 5 MB
Release Date