lundi 1 juillet 2013

MPlayer 2013-06-29 Build 117

Program of the best players Almaltimdia at all to the Tools of the very codes in force and professionalism, he is a respected competitor among other triggers like Media Player Classic and riyal Player, and more than our brilliance and beauty is its ability big and strong on the run all the musical filesprotected unable any other player on the run and that is done by the operator thereto SMPlayer, which contains such technology.

MPlayer is a movie player which runs on many systems. It plays most MPEG / VOB, AVI, Ogg / OGM, VIVO, ASF / WMA / WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native , XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX 3/4/5, WMV and even H.264 movies.

Size: 36 Mb

Release Date:


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